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Social Experiment Reveals How Men React When Women Agree With Their Compliments

Social Experiment Reveals How Men React When Women Agree With Their Compliments

%When somebody gives you a compliment, what do you think the appropriate response should be? While a simple “thanks” seems like it should suffice, many women find that in their experience, some men react very negatively to that one-word response. To prove her point, accomplished author, social worker, and activist Michelle Taylor, who goes by Feminista Jones, decided to try a little social experiment on Twitter to find out how many other women have had the same treatment when they agree with or choose not to deflect compliments from men.
Piss a man off today: Tell him you agree with his compliment of you.
— TheDevil"s Sidechick (@FeministaJones) May 12, 2017 Right off the bat, women shared their text conversations with men who were shockingly mean when they didn"t get the response they were obviously expecting. Twitter / afrawlmiau
Apparently “thank..

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